Drawings of Gertrude’s Adventures Beyond Ideas
Jaya Julienne

Questions, Letters, Images, Reflections ~ 2008-2024
Jaya Julienne Ashmore

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Drawings of Gertrude's
Adventures Beyond Ideas
I LOVE this book! A must-have for everyone. Jaya’s brilliant work of Gertrude brings us back to what is essential and what is possible when we are present to letting life happen. A gift to us all.
~ Elizabeth Cutler, co-founder SoulCycle and Peoplehood
Each page is a portal to a tangibly new energy, full of freshness, poignancy and delight. Each gaze brings something new and very much alive. This collection is a gift that brings joy and possibility in equal measure.
~ Claudia Horwitz, social change facilitator, writer and yoga teacher​

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With disarming directness, Jaya Julienne Ashmore draws on decades of art and meditation to bring us a character of utter gentleness and depth. Right from Jaya's earliest Gertrude sketches in 2017, Gertrude comes through even the most challenging moments with courage and wonder, and always reminds us to orient towads the subtle and the profound. Gertrude hints that we may already have what we most need within this messy mind, world and lifetime.

Gertrude - handful of letters

“Meditation through deep rest is trusting that aliveness is already here--we're made of life; we can't get out of it. Awareness is already here. We can relax from the work of trying to create awareness with attention. We can get to know the connection between attention and awareness, and let awareness do the work. Let presence carry us.”
​~Jaya Julienne Ashmore
International meditation teacher Jaya Julienne Ashmore studied religion and art at Harvard and has taught meditation through deep rest to thousands of people for twenty-five years.
Jaya's teachings integrate her rich experience in the traditions of Buddhism, Advaita (non-duality), Yoga, Christianity, and Hindu mysticism, as well as ecology, embodied movement, and the Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®. In the early 2000s she founded the nonprofit teaching collective Open Dharma® to help people of any background light up with life in their own unique ways.
Along with making art and offering online and in-person meditation and teachings, Jaya loves gardening and being with her two children in their current home in Catalonia, Spain.
I LOVE this book! A must-have for everyone. Jaya’s brilliant work of Gertrude brings us back to what is essential and what is possible when we are present to letting life happen. A gift to us all.
~ Elizabeth Cutler, co-founder SoulCycle and Peoplehood
Somehow I feel like I've known Gertrude all my life. Yet, even as a long-time dharma friend and student of Jaya's, I couldn't have predicted her arrival.
Each page is a portal to a tangibly new energy, full of freshness, poignancy and delight. Each gaze brings something new and very much alive. This collection is a gift that brings joy and possibility in equal measure.
~ Claudia Horwitz, social change facilitator, writer and yoga teacher
From the ocean of Jaya’s own life dance, Gertrude emerges to meet the magnificence of every human heart. Already Here is powerful, simple and profound, and has a delightful soul that emanates beauty, fun and depth.
~ Gemma Polo Pujol, international spiritual teacher and author of There Is Light and Only Light: Teachings to Illuminate Your Inner Wisdom.
The Gertrude series, both knowing and naive, captures the intriguing tenderness of being human. Jaya Ashmore’s curious, peaked-hatted avatar explores and reveals the wonders of a life lived in presence, inviting readers in by weaving simplicity with depth.
~ Jessica Kerwin-Jenkins, author and wellness coach
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Notes on Meditation and Aliveness
an Open Dharma anthology
with an introduction
by Jaya Julienne Ashmore
This book is precious. It is bursting with juice and with heart. It is a kaleidoscope of colours, insights, subtlety and the taste of ultimacy. It invites us to leave ourselves behind and be swept away into life without limits. The book is a collection of wild and wonderful meditations, poems, and creative expressions by Jaya and those around her. It is a gift.
~Dr. Stephen Fulder, founder and senior teacher of Tovana

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US and UK: $27.99
EU: $34.79
Excluding Kindle (e-pdf and e-pub format)
Where does creativity come from?
What is aliveness?
What is meditation—and what isn’t?
Out of Nowhere harvests the creativity, questions and wisdom emerging in deep rest meditation and daily life during a two-year online program with Jaya Julienne Ashmore and 50 meditators from sixteen countries. Interweaving thirty-three voices, Out of Nowhere speaks through words, images, teachings and practices about living a real life with courage, wonder, generosity and fulfillment.
This intimate collection of meditations, poetry, art, inquiry and real-life experiences invites you in, to discover your own aliveness firsthand, no matter what your circumstances. Explore how Dharma arises amongst our connections, practice and in real living, artfully weaving through a moving, wide-ranging journey.
Tami Barkai
…How does it feel in the body to be like a plant in the
earth that has received the right amount of rain?
Waiting to change, to grow in one direction--roots.
And in the other direction--to step outside to the
open air, to be what it was born to be...
Anita Lintula
“...In August the previously fully accessible natural area was fenced off. One morning I woke up to the sound of trees being felled. Aspens, rowans, birches. When a big tree falls, it sounds like a deep sigh. My daughter cried seeing the men with their chainsaws. 'Will the trees grow back?' she asked. I took part in one of Jaya’s online meditation sessions while the trees were being felled, and I felt all but peaceful….”
Jaya Julienne Ashmore
What is life?
What is deep cleaning?
What does grief need?
How does joyfulness spread?
Emma Philander
“…We float for a while
Songbird heart and I
Petals, released,
by hands
That love
Too much…”

“Meditation through deep rest is not about doing nothing—we can learn to quiet down but we cannot stop life. Rest allows life to unwind knots of worry and past hurts, and leaves space for aliveness to fill us with wonder, creativity, and carefree clarity.”
~Jaya Julienne Ashmore
Out of Nowhere is a bright and intimate collaboration among thirty-three authors and artists from thirteen countries across nineteen time zones.
The words and art of deep rest meditation teacher Jaya Julienne Ashmore interweave with the diverse real-life stories, poems, practices, doodles, photographs and paintings by many of the participants in her online meditation program "Out of Nowhere." Scientists, artists, teachers, activists, musicians, social workers, gardeners, yoga instructors, grandmothers, sons and sisters--the diversity of contributors offers readers permission also to be authentic and fresh. Being welcome just as we are brings forth our radiance and receptivity to Dharma, a living support from within.
Jaya founded the nonprofit teaching collective Open Dharma® in the early 2000s to help people of any background light up with life in their own unique ways. Volunteers from a dozen countries--as well as participants in retreats and programs--are an integral part of Open Dharma.
Be inspired by the honesty and authenticity of contributors Amy Selena Reynolds, Andrew Blandy, Anita Lintula, Caroline Lang, Carolyn Pallon, Danielle Kerris, Emma Philander, Erika Linton Groff, Frances Hearnden, Freema Luwisch, Hazel Butterworth, Helen Iles, Hilary Austin, Iris Winkel, Jaime Hagel, Julie Tucker, Karen Sumey, Karina Dahlum, Katurah Hutcheson, Kylie Bakker, Lisa Benson, Mary Alice Hurvitt, May Ament, Nanda Huneman, Noon Baldwin, Odelia Weinberg Peri, Shahar Yarkoni, Shilpa Shah, Sophie Reynolds, Steph Hodgson, Tami Barkai and Tara O’Leary.
Pilgrims in an online Ark
I experienced the Out of Nowhere sangha as a gathering of pilgrims threaded across the planet and braided together in the online ark we created. A welcome rest break from the everyday struggle on the road.
~ Tara O’Leary, contributor: "In the Garden"
"This book captures the heart of dharma for me and speaks it in a million different ways! Through vibrant paintings, extracts of meditations and teachings, doodles and real human stories, it connects me with what is simple, profound and beautiful about being alive"
~Emma Philander, contributor
Teachings Questions, Letters, Images, Reflections
2008 - 2024
​A 550-page compilation with many of Jaya Julienne Ashmore's writings and images from newsletters between 2008-2024. Essays, poems, and themes for reflection and practice.

(E-pd format)

International meditation teacher Jaya Julienne Ashmore studied religion and art at Harvard and has taught meditation through deep rest to thousands of people for twenty-five years.
Jaya's teachings integrate her rich experience in the traditions of Buddhism, Advaita (non-duality), Yoga, Christianity, and Hindu mysticism, as well as ecology, embodied movement, and the Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®. In the early 2000s she founded the nonprofit teaching collective Open Dharma® to help people of any background light up with life in their own unique ways.
Along with making art and offering online and in-person meditation and teachings, Jaya loves gardening and being with her two children in their current home in Catalonia, Spain.