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Gifts for Jaya Ashmore

Recurring Donation for Jaya

Recurring donations are a convenient and practical way to regularly support Jaya's livelihood as a Dharma teacher.

Currently it is only possible to set-up a recurring donation by credit card.  If your currency is neither Euros nor Dollars, please select Euros. 

Make a monthly recurring donation to Jaya in Euros
Make a monthly recurring donation to Jaya in US dollars


*When donating 100 Euros or more,

please include your name for the tax invoice. 

gift to jaya ashmore open dharma

May our practice and our lives be dedicated to the momentum of awakening for all,

including ourselves.

 Images and text not attibuted to others are  (c)Jaya Julienne Ashmore, 2017

Designed by Sahar Rokah

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